Lodge Buildings in Chemnitz | ||||||||||||||||
In Hohenstein and in the first decades in Chemnitz, the lodge did not have a building of its own. Only in 1847 the first temple was inaugurated in Chemnitz
In 1905 the lodge was able to build a big and opulent decorated temple. The building comprehended nine rooms for different spirtual services. In World War I this building was used as a ophthalmic hospital.
After 1935 it was converted by Nazi to a museum of anti-mason propaganda, the so called "Saxon Lodge Museum". It was kept open to the public until late in World War II. The precious exhibits from Chemnitz and other Saxon Lodges were not - as collections of other Chemnitz museums - transferred to secure places in mine gallerys. So bombs destroyed not only the building, but also the rich decoration and all the collections. The new lodge "Harmony"started again under modest conditions; the brothers hold their meetings in hotel rooms.But already in Janaury 1999 they were able to inaugurate a small new temple.
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